實驗室用多功能螢光計 / 濁度計
Trilogy™ Laboratory Fluorometer

An Overview

Turner Designs公司最新推出 Trilogy™ 實驗室用螢光計. 採用先進光學模組化設計, 為一多功能的實驗室設備. 
使用snap-in應用模組可輕易進行螢光度, 吸光度, 濁度三種測量. Trilogy™ 具備觸摸顯示面板, 使得操作及校
正過程更為直接, 同時可儲存18組校正曲線, 每組曲線可為5點校正. 

Numerous Applications exist in:

· Chlorophyll a Measurement   葉綠素a測定
· Cyanobacteria Measurement 藍綠藻測定 
· Water Quality Monitoring水質監測
· Fluorescent Tracer Studies螢光追蹤研究
· Food Processing食品處理
· Research Studies研究探討

Features of the Trilogy™

  • Snap-in Modules provide application flexibility
  • Application Modules available for several fluorescent applications, turbidity measurements, and absorbance readings
  • Simple user interface based on a touchscreen with menu selections
  • Standard modules accommodate 10 x 10 mm square plastic cuvettes and 12 x 75 mm round tubes or 12 x 35 mm round vials
  • Wide module accommodate glass or quartz cuvettes and round tubes or 12 x 35mm round vials using sample adapter
  • One to five point calibration with up to 18 calibrations stored
  • Adjustable solid secondary standard provides easy calibration verification
  • EPA 445 approved acidification and non-acidification chlorophyll a measurement calculations
  • Spreadsheet Interface Software provides real time display and logging of data to an Excel spreadsheet
  • Automatic blank subtracts in direct concentration mode

Instrument purchase includes: adjustable solid standard, 10 ea 10 x 10mm plastic cuvettes and 12 x 35 mm glass vials, 50 well test tube holder, RS-232 cable, and power supply

Trilogy Modules Performance: 螢光應用光學模組, 最低偵測極限, 線性範圍
Application  光學模組Min. detection limit 最低偵測極限Linear range  線性範圍
Ammonium0.05 μM0-50 μM
CDOM/FDOM0.1 ppb*0-1,000 ppb*
Chlorophyll a, in-vivo & acidification0.025 μg/L0-300 μg/L
Chl a Extracted – Non-Acidification0.025 μg/L0-300 μg/L
Fluorescein Dye Standard Range0.01 ppb0-200 ppb
Fluorescein Dye Extended Range
(Minicells Required)
0.75 ppb****0-8,000 ppb****
Histamine0.001 ppm
0.5 ppb***
0-100 ppm
0-2000 ppb***
Nitrate (Absorbance)0.04 mg/L0-14 mg/L
Oil – Crude0.2 ppb*0-2,000 ppb*
Oil – Refined0.25 ppb**0-6,000 ppb**
Optical Brighteners1 ppb*0-10,000 ppb*
Phosphate (Absorbance)1 μg/L0-930 μg/L
(Freshwater Cyanobacteria)
150 cells/ml0-150,000 cells/ml
(Marine Cyanobacteria)
150 cells/ml0-150,000 cells/ml
PTSA0.1 ppb***>10,000 ppb***
Rhodamine WT0.01 ppb0-500 ppb
Silicate (Absorbance)3 μg/L0-3,000 μg/L
Turbidity0.05 NTU0-1,000 NTU
* Quinine Sulfate
** 1,5-Naphthalene Disulfonic Disodium Salt
***Pyrene tetra sulfonic acid (PTSA)
****Minicell Adapter P/N 8000-936 and Minicell P/N 7000-950 required



Chl a, Rodamine, 標準液

其它應用問題請與我們聯繫 業務部

General Specifications
Sample Adaptors: Accommodates 10 x 10 mm square plastic cuvettes, 12 x 75 mm round tubes, and 12 x 35 mm round vials.
Readout: Direct Concentration (ug/L, ppb, etc.) or Raw Fluorescence
Calibration: One to Five point calibration with up to 18 calibrations stored 
Light Source & Detector:
Light Emitting Diode and Photodiode
Blank: Reads and subtracts blank
Data Output: 100% ASCII format through a 9 pin RS-232 serial cable at 9600 baud
PC Operating System (optional if connected to PC): Windows 98â or later
Power: 100 to 240 VAC Universal Power Supply included Output 12VDC 0.84A Max
Dimensions: 12.92″D x 10.44″W x 8.42″H (32.82 cm D x 26.52 cm W x 21.39 cm H)
Weight: 8.1 lbs (3.65 kg)
Operating Temperature: 60 – 105 °F (15-40 °C)
Warranty: One year