無菌取樣閥選擇指南 / Valve Selection Guide

q 選擇最適合於您的產品的無菌取樣器, 關鍵性的重要先決條件就是樣品的黏度與顆粒大
    小如下列說明 / Select the valve type that suits your products viscosity best.

  • Micro port 0-50cP, small samples and pure liquid only.
  • M4 valve 0-100cP, with particles up to 1,5mm in diameter.
  • W9 valve 0-1000cP, with particles up to 3mm in diameter.
  • W15 valve 0-50.000cP, with particles up to 8mm in diameter.
  • W25 valve 0-250.000cP, with particles up to 17mm in diameter.
  • I valve 0-800cP, with particles up to 1,2mm in diameter.

For cP reference following values can be used: water ~ 1cP, olive oil ~ 100cP, Castor oil ~ 1000cP, Ketchup ~ 50.000cP and peanut butter ~ 250.000cP.
Many prefer to standardize on W9 products instead of using a combination of M4 and W9 valves.
Size of particles are in comparison of size of steel balls diameter, that can travel through the internal construction of the valve. Size of particle Valve can let through varies on the type of membrane selected, size here is for maximum flow.

  • On a pipe: According to size of pipe and how the valve is to be installed.
  • On a tank: Should the valve be welded, with thread, clamp or port connections.

Use the first column to select the seat that you need for installation

In the cross-section you will find the item number and links to

  • Data sheet
  • Part list
  • Price list