
建成科學儀器公司   標準露點濕度校正實驗室  /  SSCO Relative Humidity Calibration  Laboratory

陽光空氣和水是生物活存的三要素. 水與我們的日常生活息息相關, 但水對於人類也會帶來巨大傷害, 因為異常的水份含量往往會造成無法估計的損失.

濕度量測儀器的準確性取決於精確的校正工作, 本公司從事於濕度露點測試儀器之銷售與服務已有二十餘年的經驗, 有鑑於濕度量測儀器準確度的重要性, 以專業技術成立符合我國 CNLA (Chinese National Laboratory Accreditation) 國家標準實驗室認證體系及 NIST(National Institute of Standards Technology) 國際標準可追溯數據, 為擴大服務各界, 即日起接受客戶委託測試及校正.

建成科學儀器公司   標準露點濕度校正實驗室目前擁有精密校正設備如下, 歡迎參觀指教.

General Eastern Model C-1 Dew Point Generator / 標準露點產生器 

  • NIST-traceable RH calibrator
  • Versatile, fast and accurate 5-minute response time
  • Range of 0 ~ 95% RH, 2ºC. to 40ºC. (35ºF to 100ºF)
  • Repeatability 0.2% RH
  • RS-232-C Serial port
  • Dry gas inlet
  • Optional software can create a customized RH vs.Time plot
  • Integral power supply for powering device under test

標準相對濕度產生器 / GC-1 RH Generator 

  • Built-in chilled mirror hygrometer for continuous control
  • NIST and CETIAT traceability
  • Large 4 cubic foot capacity chamber to accommodate RH instruments
  • Prostep software for fully automatic calibrations.  Continuous digital control
  • Fluid-jacketed constant temperature chamber
  • Fast, convenient, and cost effective method to calibrate RH equipment
  • Available in Standard and Variable Temperature models
  • Variable-temperature Model includes chiller

大容量標準濕度產生器 / GC-1 RH Generator 

Test Chamber Dimensions: 356 x 836 x 429 mm (14″H x 32.9″W x 16.9″D)
Test chamber volume: 113.2 L (4 cu ft.)
RH Accuracy: At chamber temps. of 30ºC to 60ºC (86ºF to140ºF) and 5ºC ~ 20ºC (41º to 68ºF): ±1.5% RH between 20% ~ 80% RH, ±2.0% RH between 10 and 20% and 80 to 90% RH. At chamber temps. of 20º to 30ºC (68º to 86ºF): ±1.0% RH between 10% – 80% RH, ±1.5% RH between 10 and 20% and 80 to 90% RH.

The Next-Generation Humidity Reference Standard

GE General Eastern’s Optica series chilled mirror hygrometers offer NIST traceable humidity, temperature and pressure measurements for the connected generation. Now, data is accessible from anywhere, any time, from within a browser over the internet or your Intranet. It’s imagination at work.



A. 濕度計校正
  • 服務對象: 電子式溫濕度計, 溫濕度記錄器
  • 校正範圍: 10 ~ 90%RH,  (20 ~ 30°C.環境溫度)
  • 不確定度: ±2%RH,  ±0.1°C.
  • 校  正  點: 溫度 (20 ~ 30°C.) 取三個濕度點. (25, 50, 75 %RH)
  • 校  正  費: 
B. 露點計校正
  • 服務對象: 電子式露點計
  • 校正範圍: +10 ~ -50DP°C.
  • 不確定度: ±0.0561 DP°C.
  • 校  正  點: 取三個露點溫度. 
  • 校  正  費: 
  1.  客戶自行送件
  2.  儀器配件必須完整無缺
  3.  附儀器操作手冊
  4.  送校時註明校正點