Ozone Applications / Anseros 臭氧應用技術報導

Round the world many of the water chemists and scientists have found the ozone as a perfect agent for water treatment and guarranty health of people(2).

The Federal DrugAdministration (FDA) has published aCTValue paper, where ozone concentration and reaction timeis given to kill bacterias and virus (3) in the right manner.

For the storage, distribution, bottling and further processing ozone have to remain in the water. For immediate consumption by humans and animals a limited value exists, like below 0.01 mg. 03/ltr., as given by different national standards (4).

Anseros PAP. series / 臭氧滅菌淨水器 系列

Anseros is developing and manufacturing different sizes and capacities of ozone water skids called “PAP” as a plug & play solutions.

If the intermitted ozone water supply is required, a buffer tank should be used.

TypeOzone CapacityOzone Water Flow
PAP mobile40 g/h2000 L/h
PAP light8 g/h800 L/h
PAP 100010 g/h1m /h 3
PAP 500020 g/h5m /h 3
PAP 1000040 g/h10m /h 3
PAP 3000080 g/h30m /h

Anseros Ozone Water Skids PAP1000 & PAP mobil >>

Components Ozone Generator COM / 臭氧產生機 系列

High quality components are used for the skids to get long-term reliability.

Any kind of carrier gas can be used, like: ambient air, dry air, SEP. gas, oxygen mixtures.

Capacity data dependung on the kind and condition of the carrier gas.

Type COMPrincipleCapacity Ozone
COM-SD-30SD10-50 mg/h
COM-SD-500SD500 mg/h -20g/h
COM-AD-500AD0.5- 10.0 kg/h

Components Ozone Reactor AOPR / 臭氧反應器 系列

The AOPR device includes 3 functions:

A- dissolving ozone
B- dispergation ozone
C- reaction ozone

The remaining ozone in water can be designed and or either adjusted depending to the application. The material can be collected: stainless steel, PVC, PFA, PVDF. The efficiency of mass transfer is up to 100%.

Components Ozone Monitor / 臭氧偵測儀器 系列

The remaining ozone in water must be controlled. For each kind of water different metering

principles are available:

1- Ozomat WP
2- Ozomat WM
3- Ozomat TIZ

The analyzer type Ozomat WP is recommended by the CEN 14740 with the highest sensitivity.

The limited value for remaining ozone in water can be reliable detected and controlled without any intercrossing by other incredienceses:

Range: 0,001-9,999 mg O3/m3 H2O (10ppb)
Limit: 10 mg 03/m3 = 0,010 mg O3/ltr. (ppb)

Each type of the Anseros monitor is qualified for automotic control of ozone dosage.

Component Ozone Leackage Sensor SEN / 臭氧洩漏感應器

The safety requirements as given by the German DIN 19627(9) and the UVV(10), unfallverhutungsvorschrift der Berufsgenossensaft, recommended by the German DVGW association(11). In case of leakage, have to switch off the ozone generation equipment. Anseros Ozone equipments are rinsable, controlled by a or/and To cover the CE-approvable an switch is built-in, further a to be interconnected with other peripheral equipment. The sensor are managed by the Ozone skids, like PAP 5000-30000, they have a with software, made by ANSEROS.

Any alarm is indicated visually and acoustically using the WERMA-signal unit. For evaluating of leakages ANSEROS has test kits available (12). ozone detector SEN vacuum-sensor flow sensor. emergency-off PILZ-module PLC of the ozone generator COM-AD-08. SIEMENS S7, PLC controller Bottling Line, 5 Gallon bottles, and rinsing by ANSEROS PAP 5000. ANSEROS GmbH proprietary information

Reference Literature:

1 – CEN/TR 14740
2 – Anseros Appl. Note 64
3 – FDA CT-Value table
4 – TAV, Trinkwasser aufhereitungs verordung Deutschland

5 – CEN/TR 14740, capt. 8, lit………
6 – Patent Anseros
7 – Patent Anseros
8 – Patent Anseros

9 – DIN 19627
10 – UVV
11 – DVGW
12 – Appl. Note (test kits)