Lovibond colour measuring instruments meet the requirements specified in the internationally recognised standard test methods for colorimetry, in particular:
AOCS MethodScopeColour Scale/Test
AOCS Cc 13aAnimal fats and all fats and oils too dark to be graded by the Wesson methodFAC Colour
AOCS Cc 13b (Wesson Method)Normal oils and fatsAOCS-Tintometer Colour
AOCS Cc 13eNormal animal and vegetable oils and fatsLovibond RYBN Colour
AOCS Cc 13jColour refined oils and tallowsAOCS-Tintometer Colour, Lovibond RYBN Colour
AOCS Td 1aNatural and synthetic drying oils, fatty acids and oil derivativesGardner Colour
AOCS Td 1bLight coloured industrial oils and derivatives such as certain fatty nitrogen compoundsPlatinum Cobalt Color, Hazen Units, APHA Color
AOCS Td 3aColour stability of fatty acids after heating Gardner Colour
ASTM StandardScopeColor Scale/Test
ASTM D156Light coloured petroleum productsSaybolt Colour
ASTM D509RosinsRosin, US Naval Stores
ASTM D565Quality testing of white mineral oils 
ASTM D848Quality testing of industrial aromatic hydrocarbonsAcid Wash Colour
ASTM D1209Clear liquidsPt-Co/Hazen/APHA Units
ASTM D1363Impurities in acetone and methanol 
ASTM D1500Petroleum productsASTM Color
ASTM D1544Transparent liquidsGardner Colour
ASTM D2392Aviation gasolinesDyed aviation gasoline
ASTM D6166Naval stores and related productsGardner Colour
ASTM D6045Petroleum products (by the automatic tristimulus method)ASTM Color, Saybolt Colour

The range of Lovibond colorimeters covers the key colour scales and colour values that are used by industry for colour control:

ADMI Color
APHA Color
AOCS-Tintometer Color
ASBC Color (American Society for Brewing Chemists)
ASTM Color
Barrett Scale
beta Carotene
Brown Scale
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (CP) Color
Chlorophyll A & B
Dichromate Color Index
Dyed Aviation Gasoline
EBC Color (European Brewery Convention)
European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Color
FAC Color
Gardner Color
Haemoglobin Content of Blood (Harrison’s Method)
Hazen Units
Hess-Ives Color Units
Honey Color
ICUMSA Color Index
International Fruit Juice Union (IFU) Color
Iodine Color
IP Units
Klett Color (blue filter KS-42)
Kreis Value

Lovibond RYBN Color
Maple Syrup
Paint Research Station (PRS) Color
Pfund Equivalents
Platinum Cobalt Color Scale
Rosin – French (Bordeaux) Color
Rosin – Indian
Rosin – US Naval Stores
Rubber Latex Film Color
Saybolt Color
Series 52 Color
Tanning Extracts
US Naval Stores Rosin
US Pharmacopoeia (USP) Color
Whiteness Index
Yellowness Index
XYZ tristimulus values
xyY chromaticity co-ordinates
CIE Lab colour space
CIE LCh colour space
CIE uvY colour space
Hunter Lab colour space
DE colour difference
Optical density