Aseptic system & sampling bottles / 無菌取樣系統及取樣瓶

The safest way to the laboratory

The Keofitt® Aseptic system enables user to take a truly representative aseptic sample. The system protects the sample against airborne contamination, while taking the sample and during transportation. Sterilization takes place by steam with bottle head in place.

The system is compatible with all small and medium sized sampling valves.

Other Keofitt® sampling bottle heads offer protection from contamination while sampling and some protection during transport. Sterilization takes place in autoclave. The bottle heads can be connected to all small and medium sized sampling valves.

Other Keofitt® sampling bottle heads offer protection from contamination while sampling and some protection during transport. Sterilization takes place in autoclave. The bottle heads can be connected to all small and medium sized sampling valves.


The Sampling bottle heads and Aseptic systems are used in a range of applications, such as breweries, dairies, pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries, with wide range of products such as:

  • Water / 水
  • Milk / 奶品
  • Medical solutions / 藥品溶劑
  • Beer / 啤酒
  • Ketchup / 蕃茄醬
  • Creams and lotions  / 乳液及化妝塗劑

The Aseptic system can be fitted with different heads to fit most applications. Other inlet connectons are optional.

General on the Keofitt Aseptic sampling valves.
Temperature range:Silicone / EPDM Membrane0 to 130ºC / 32 to 266ºF
 PTFE Membrane0 to 150ºC / 32 to 302ºF
Pressure range:Inlet pressure:0 to 6 bar(g) / 0 to 87 psi
 Bottle pressure:0 to 1.2 bar(g) / 0 to 17.4 psi
Material:Steel parts:AISI 316L
 Membrane PTFEFDA approved
Dimensions:Bottle Head dimensionInlet Dimention
body surface:Inner surface Ra 0.8 mm / 0.00003 inElectro polish outside
Material certificate:3.1.B 

Setup for sampling: