MiniVolTAS 攜帶型空氣採樣器

MiniVol™ TAS 可攜帶型空氣採樣器, 操作準則符合 PM2.5, PM10, TSP 標準規範, 是空氣污染防治最方便有效利器.

Airmetrics is dedicated to providing practical and innovative solutions to ambient air monitoring problems. We manufacture the MiniVol™ TAS Portable Air Sampler and offer a complimentary line of calibration orifices, filter cassettes and mailers, and Tedlar bags. We also provide filter weighing services, calibration services, and rental samplers.

Airmetrics manufactures the MiniVol™ TAS Portable Air Sampler, which samples ambient air at 5 liters/minute for particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5, TSP) and/or non-reactive gases (CO, NOx). While not a reference method sampler, the MiniVol™ gives results that closely approximate data from Federal Reference Method samplers. Lightweight and portable, the MiniVol™ is ideal for remote areas or locations where no permanent site has been established.

Sampler Features

The Basic Particulate Model (when purchased new) of the MiniVol™ TAS Portable Air Sampler includes:

  • 1 pump unit, 1 mounting cradle
  • 2 preseparator/cassette filter holder assemblies
  • 2 rechargeable batteries, 2 carrying boxes
  • Operation Manual, 1 spare parts kit, 1 universal transformer

The MiniVol™ with Gas Sampling Ability includes the above and:

  • 4 collection canisters, each with a 6 liter Tedlar® bag
  • 1 valve driver board
  • 1 24″ hanging bar

MiniVol TAS 攜帶型空氣採樣器目錄下載 ( PDF 337 KB)

We tested this and it works! The Airmetrics calibration kit has the durability and ruggedness to be used in any given environment or weather condition. It also has the accuracy to be used in Federal Reference Method sampling for the new PM2.5 NAAQS. All this plus an affordable price.
Field Calibration Kits

Each kit includes a digital or analog vacuum gauge, one calibration orifice, tubing, a sturdy plastic box, and a calibration curve traceable to NIST.

Calibration Orifices

Available for either FRM equipment or MiniVol™ samplers, the orifices are ideal for either initial calibrations or field audits.

Contact Airmetrics for pricing and availabilty of orifices and kits.
For general calibration procedure information, please visit our calibration page.

MiniVol™ samplers with gas ability feature six liter Tedlar bags in their collection canisters. Manufactured at Airmetrics, the bags can become damaged during repeated sampling use and may need replacement. These Tedlar bags can also be made to specifications. Contact Airmetrics for pricing and availability.

FRM Filter Cassette and Mailer
Filter cassettes for FRM sampling; also compatible with the MiniVol filter holder. (Pictured above)

Cassette Separator
A slim, metal tool for easy filter cassette opening.

For particulate sampling, the MiniVol™ uses 47mm filters to collect particulate matter. Filters should be weighed pre- and post-exposure with a microbalance accurate to one microgram. Airmetrics offers the following types of filters:

  • Fiber Film Filter – Teflon-coated glass, ideal for gravimetric analysis
  • Pure Quartz Filter – Recommended if chemical analysis for carbon based compounds will follow gravimetric analysis
  • Pure Teflon Filter – Recommended if chemical analysis for non-carbon based compounds will follow gravimetric analysis

Contact Airmetrics for pricing and availability of boxed, unweighted filters. To complement use of the MiniVol™ samplers, Airmetrics also offers filter weighing services.

PM2.5 Sampling Procedures

For PM2.5 sampling the following changes must be made to the filter holder:

  • Ensure that the multiple impactor adapter with the PM10 impactor (silver) is installed on top of the preseparator assembly, while the PM2.5 impactor (gold) is installed in the preseparator assembly.
  • Clean and lubricate the target disk at least every 2-4 sampling periods, or more frequently depending on the degree of impaction stage soiling.
  • After the sampler has been assembled, calibrated, verified to be in proper working order, and a filter loaded in the filter holder assembly, set flow rate adjustment in accordance with procedures as shown in the Operation Manual.
  • Follow all other procedures in the Operation Manual, noting that PM2.5 is being sampled rather than PM10 and TSP.

PM10 Sampling Procedures

For PM10 sampling, follow the steps below:

  • Ensure that the PM10 impactor (silver) is installed in the preseparator assembly. The multiple impactor adaptor is not needed, nor is the PM2.5 impactor (gold).
  • Clean and lubricate the target disk at least every 2-4 sampling periods, or more frequently depending on the degree of impaction stage soiling.
  • After the sampler has been assembled, calibrated, verified to be in proper working order, and a filter loaded in the filter holder assembly, set flow rate adjustment in accordance with procedures as shown in the Operation Manual.
  • Follow all other procedures in the Operation Manual, noting that PM10 is being sampled.

TSP Sampling Procedures

For TSP sampling, the following changes must be made to the filter holder:

  • Remove the impactor(s) from the preseparator assembly and multiple impactor adapter; remove the adapter.
  • Clean the cap and preseparator assembly every 2-4 sampling periods, or more frequently if soiling is observed.
  • After the sampler has been assembled, calibrated, verified to be in proper working order, and a filter loaded in the filter holder assembly, set flow rate adjustment in accordance with procedures as shown in the Operation Manual.
  • Follow all other procedures in the Operation Manual, noting that TSP is being sampled.