梅瑟利 Maselli Misure 製程線上及實驗研究品質控制之自動監測糖度儀 / 折光儀 / 濃度儀
PROCESS ANALYZERS Instruments and Systems for Liquid Analysis

UC05 CARBOMETERS / 製程線上自動連續監測碳酸飲料中溶解二氧化碳含量分析儀

啤酒, 礦泉水及碳酸飲料在充填二氧化碳階段的製程中, 可應用此儀器連續自動監測溶解於飲料中之碳酸濃度, 該自動監測儀器具備有可附加自動控制系統之功能.

Process carbonaztion analyzer for continuous measuring of dissolved carbonation in soft drinks, mineral water, beer and wine. An automatic control system may be added to the unit.

原廠規格說明書下載 (PDF 135 KB)
原廠產品目錄下載 (PDF 116 KB)

儀器技術規格 / Technical Specifications:

Measurement limits:0…5 Gas/Vol (0…10 g/l)
Accuracy:+/-0,05 Gas/Vol (+/- 0,1 g/l)
Measurement scales:“Gas/Vol” or “g/l”
Product temperature:0°C… +35°C with automatic compensation of temperature measured by means of temperature sensor Pt 100 supplied
Line pressure:1…7bar (14,5…101,5psi) at 20°C.
Protection category:IP30/55 in accordance with EN60529
Conformity:CE mark shows conformity to EU Directives
Supplies:AC 115/230V +/-10% 50…60Hz, 100VA
dehumidified air 4…10bar (58…145psi)
Interfaces:– 2 independent channels 4…20mA
– RS232 + RS232 + RS422
– N. 1 “Line Stopped” input; n. 1 relay output for alarm
Features:– “Mechanical Shock” degassing system
– Pressure sensor with Titanium membrane
– Panel Receiver in “Rack 19”
– “Controller” function optional
Analysis units:305 (b) x 370 (h) x 135 (p), ~18Kg
Receiver:490 (b) x 140 (h) x 280 (p), ~15Kg