Cyclops-7 Submersible Fluorometer


TURNER DESIGNS CYCLOPS-7 潛水型螢光計 (Submersible Fluorometer) 之設計製作綜合了多功能操作平台, 高性能規範須求, 紮實的傳感器結構以及低於傳統式潛水型螢光計的平實價格等許多優點.  CYCLOPS-7  結合上述優勢與吸引力因此廣為海洋學, 淡水和染色追蹤工程所愛用.
CYCLOPS-7 螢光傳感器儘管結構細小, 但是對於量測的性能絕不妥協, 包括靈敏性和動態的範圍的折衷.  極優異的混濁度消除功能確保在各種嚴格的環境條件中發揮最高的偵測極限. 
CYCLOPS-7 螢光傳感器需要外部電力來源, 作為一個標準 0 ~ 5V 輸出電壓提供使用者外部資料記錄器.

具有三段使用者可自由設定的動態量測範圍提供 0.03 到 500 μg/L. 葉綠素偵測以及 0.04 到 1000 ppb. 若丹明WT偵測.

CYCLOPS-7 螢光傳感器由原廠提供包括葉綠素a和若丹明WT偵測 , 或者是客戶指定的版本可特別製造.


TURNER DESIGNS 唯一設計的次級標準校正器提供傳感器的正確操作及查核的一項最簡單和快速的方法. 次級標準校正器與傳感器搭配使用時能夠調整傳感器所產生的輸出電壓, 通常與已知的葉綠素或染色劑相符合的電壓.

CYCLOPS-7 螢光傳感器具有2呎長的電纜連結辮附件提供給電腦能夠獨立操作和測驗.  電纜連結辮允許一個電力供應器的聯結; 閱讀傳感器輸出電壓, 傳感器增幅調整.

Cyclops-7 Sensor Specification,   C7螢光感應器規格, 最低偵測極限, 線性測定範圍

Application Min. detection limit 最低偵測極限Linear range  線性 測定範圍
              Linearity: 0.99R2
CDOM/FDOM0.1 ppb*
0.5 ppb*
0-1,500 ppb*
0-3000 ppb*
Chlorophyll a, in-vivo Blue Excitation0.03 μg/L0-500 μg/L
Chlorophyll a, in-vivo Red Excitation0.3 μg/L> 300 μg/L
Fluorescein Dye0.01 ppb0-500 ppb
Oil – Crude0.2 ppb*0-1,500 ppb*
Oil – Refined10 ppb**0-7,000 ppb**
Optical Brighteners0.6 ppb*0-2,500 ppb*
(Freshwater Cyanobacteria)
2 ppbpc0-4,500 ppbpc
(Marine Cyanobacteria)
0.1 ppbpe0-750ppbpe
PTSA Dye0.1 ppb***0 – 650 ppb***
Rhodamine WT0.01 ppb0-1,000 ppb
tryptophan for wastewater monitoring3 ppb0-5,000 ppb
Turbidity0.05 NTU0-1,500 NTU
* 1,5 Napthalene Disulfonic Disodium Salt
** Quinine Sulfate
*** PTSA (1,3, 6, 8 – Pyrenetetrasulfonic Acid Tetrasodium Salt)
**** BTEX (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes)
PC Phycocyanin pigment from Prozyme diluted in Deionized water
PE Phycoerythrin pigment from Prozyme diluted in Deionized water


Cycolps 流通管

Cyclops 保護外殼

Cyclops 固態標準色片

Cyclops 標準液

Cyclops 訊號線

CYCLOPS-7 Fluorometer Features and Benefits / CYCLOPS-7 潛水型螢光計之特性與優點:

Ultra-compact sizeCYCLOPS-7 can be easily added to typical multiparameter systems within existing space constraints
Measurement specifications equal to highest performance field fluorometersMeasurement capabilities are not compromised by using the CYCLOPS-7 compact sensor
Low power consumption compared to traditional field fluorometers; <300 mW typicalIn CTD/AUV applications, you can choose between a smaller battery pack or longer operation on each battery charge
Real-time analog output voltageMeasurements can be made at any frequency and interval, as determined by an external data logger
Affordable price/excellent valuePrice barrier has been significantly lowered for adding a fluorometer to existing monitoring platforms

Environmental Characteristics

Temperature Range:
Ambient: 0 to 50 deg C
Water Temp: -2 to50 deg C.
Depth Rating:
600 meters

Physical Dimensions

Length x Diameter:
4.3″ x 0.9″, 14.0 x 2.2 cm.
5.0 oz, 160 gm.