梅瑟利 Maselli Misure 製程線上及實驗研究品質控制之自動監測糖度儀 / 折光儀 / 濃度儀
PROCESS ANALYZERS Instruments and Systems for Liquid Analysis


LR01 Laboratory Refractometer

數字顯示實驗研究用折光計, 高性精密度與寬廣的測試範圍, 適合於各種實驗室使用, 尤其全不銹的儀器外殼方便清潔保養及耐撞擊更適合於製程線上使用.

High-precision, wide-range digital laboratory refractometer. Stainless steel body for on-machine use.

LR02 Laboratory Refractometer

數字顯示經濟實惠型折光計, 具有高性能及平易近人的操作介面, 外型結構扎實而且可以方便攜帶.

Low cost digital laboratory refractometer with high performances: user friendly, compact and portable.

LM02 Multi-Parametric Analyzer

釀造工業用多功能分析儀器, 適用於釀造品之糖度, 酒精度及萃取程度分析. 更是一部適用於發酵室及酒窖品質管制理想的監測儀器.

Compact multi-parametric unit used to control sugar, alcohol and extract levels in must and wine.
Ideal for monitoring and store fermentation processes in the wine cellar.