Micro Port / 無菌取樣閥

Micro Port Sampling Valve

The Keofitt® Micro PortsTM are designed to take samples using a hypodermic needle or a syringe, with minimum risk of contamination. Designed for sampling low viscosity products with microscopic particles in the fluid. The main products Micro PortsTM are used for have about 0-50cP in viscosity.

The Micro PortsTM are used in a range of business areas, such as breweries, dairies, pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries, with a wide range of products such as:

  • Water / 水
  • Milk / 奶品
  • Medical solutions / 藥品溶劑
  • Filtered beer / 過濾後的啤酒
  • Perfume / 芳香劑
  • Olive oil / 橄欖油

The Micro PortsTM come with a variety of connection options that fit most situation.

General info on the Keofitt® Micro PortsTM
Temperature range:EPDM Septum0 to 110ºC / 32 to 230ºF
Pressure range:All Micro PortTM0 to 6 bar(g) / 0 to 87 psi
Material:Steel parts:AISI 304/316L
 EPDMFDA approved
Type:Multi Micro PortMicro Port
body surface:Inner surface Ra 0.8 mm / 0.00003 inElectro polish outside
Material certificate:3.1.B