

General Applications:
應用於保健領域 / Hygenic fields:
  • Hospitals
  • Airports
  • Opera
  • Banquet halls
  • Office area
  • Restrooms
  • Shuttles
  • Spa areas
  • Restaurants
  • Kitchens
應用於工業領域 / Industrial fields:-
  • Sewage plants
  • Garbage processing plants
  • Anaerobic processing
  • Pump stations
  • Dry cleaning
  • Animal breedings
  • Packaging
  • Food processing
  • Pharmaceutical production
  • Semiconductors facilities

General Features:

  • Decomposition of pollutants and disinfection by means of electric discharge and ozonization.
  • Uses ambient air for ozone generation.
  • Capacity: 1 to 1,000 m³/h.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Two performance levels.
  • Timer (15-minutes-intervals).
  • High air-throughput and high efficiency.
  • Long-life discharge-module.
  • Portable for mobile employment.
  • Environment-friendly on account of the natural self-decomposition of ozone into oxygen.

Ozone generators with and without catalyst operation for desodorization of malodorous exhaust gases using pulsed power source.

型 號:CAT-HO-2000

應 用 範 圍  /  APPLICATIONS

Thorough cleaning up polluted air in industrial sector  without using of any kind of chemicals.


CAT-HO-2000        2000 m3/h capacity
CAT-HO-8000           10 m3/h capacity
CAT-HO-0500         500 m3/h capacity
CAT-HO-OEM        Customer requirement.

型 號:CAT-SD

應 用 範 圍  /  APPLICATIONS

Thorough cleaning up polluted air in small sector for example Toilets, Kitchens, Slaughter centres and many more,  without using of any kind of chemicals.

CAT-SD has been developed specifically to meet the need for effective and reliable odour control, the elimination of airborne bacteria, viruses, moulds and the retardation of surface bacteria, viruses and moulds, without the use of chemicals.

型 號:CAT-TH-1200

應 用 範 圍  /  APPLICATIONS

Semiconductor facilities using ozone for dry and wet cleaning processes. After used ozone must be destroyed to protect environment. A thermal ozone reductor is the perfect solution, small in size, no maintenance, resistant against water vapour, acids and solvents, low power consumption, suitable for all processes with remote control features.