梅瑟利 Maselli Misure 製程線上及實驗研究品質控制之自動監測糖度儀 / 折光儀 / 濃度儀
PROCESS ANALYZERS Instruments and Systems for Liquid Analysis

AT20 IN LINE TITRATORS / 製程線上多功能自動滴定分析儀器

Highly-modular process industrial titrator that manages sampling and analysis phases automatically. Performs multiple measurements simultaneously (from a maximum of 6 sampling lines) and can be programmed to perform different types of analysis on each line.

In addition to giving analysis results, it can also print, store, communicate error status and transmit.

原廠規格說明書下載 (PDF 163 KB)
原廠產品目錄下載 (PDF 461 KB)

儀器技術規格 / Technical Specifications:

pH measurement:0…14pH +/- 0,1 pH unit
Redox measurement:0…2000mV +/- 1 mV (Ag electrode or PT)
Conductivity measurement:0…20mS +/- 0,1mS (Cell with 2 or 4 electrodes)
Selective ions measurement:Depending on the specific electrodes required
Concentration measurement:1.3330…1.5200 D with “USER” scale that can be set from keypad
Line pressure:1…6bar (14,5…87psi) at 20°C
Product temperature:0°C…+45°C with automatic compensation
of temperature measured by means of incorporated temperature sensor Pt100
Protection category:IP65 in accordance with EN60529
Conformity:CE mark shows conformity to EU Directives
Supplies:AC 115/230V +/- 10% 50…60Hz 300VA
Dehumidified air 6…10bar (87…145psi)
Water 1.5…4 bar (22…58 psi)
Interfaces:– 6, 12, 32 outputs 4…20mA configurable (optional)
– Serial RS232 + RS422
– 6″External Start” inputs; 3 outputs x alarm
– 6, 12, 18 outputs for control Unit (optional)
Features:– FIP alphanumeric Display with 2 lines x 40 characters
– Dispenser panel expandable up to 8 pumps and 3 Syringes
– Measurement by means of single or combined Electrodes
– Multiparametric Analysis by means of completely customizable Titration
– Concentration Measurement by means of Digital Refractometer (optional)
-Periodic automatic self-calibration
-Possibility of sampling up to 6 different lines
Printer:“Ribbon” printer with paper reel and winder, removable on pull-out runners
Dimensions:900 (b) x 1650 (h) x 590 (p), ~190Kg