快速準確 自動融點測 定裝置.  MPA series
Analytical Instrumentation for Laboratory automated melting point systems.

基礎型融點測定裝置 / DigiMelt  MPA 160

  • Student grade digital MPA/ 基礎入門機型數字式融點測定裝置.
  • Mercury free / 無水銀式.
  • Simultaneous analysis of 3 samples/ 同時可測定三個樣品.
  • Integral RTD thermometer / 內建  RTD 溫度計.
  • PID-controlled temperature ramping/ PID控制溫度加熱.                                
  • Tube tapper packs samples.
  • Easy to clean and maintain/ 容易清潔 及保養.

DigiMelt 基礎型融點測定裝置目錄 ( PDF 112 KB)

自動融點測定裝置 / EZ-Melt  MPA 120

  • Fully automated operation / 全自動操作步驟.
  • Simultaneous analysis of 3 samples / 可同時測定三個樣品.
  • PID-controlled temperature ramping/ PID控制溫度加熱.
  • Digital image processing technology / 數位畫面處理測定技術.
  • Pharmacopeia and GLP compliant/ 符合藥典及GLP管制標準.
  • Precise temperature control / 鋁製加熱槽升溫冷卻迅速 , 精確溫控 .
  • Absolute value / 物超所值機型.

EZ-Melt 自動融點測定裝置目錄 ( PDF 507 KB)  

自動融點測定裝置 / OptiMelt  MPA 100

  • Accurate measurements of melting point & melting range / 精確測定融點及融溶範圍.
  • Automatic and visual determination /  可自動或目視決定融點.
  • PID-controlled temperature ramping/ PID控制溫度加熱.
  • Digital movie of each melt / 高靈敏數位像機可補捉及記錄樣品的溶 解及相變化過程. 
  • Stand-alone operation and computer control (USB) / 可獨立操作或與電腦連線作業.
  • Conforms to Pharmacopeia and GLP / 符合藥典及GLP管制標準.

OptiMelt 自動融點測定裝置目錄( PDF 819 KB)  

數位融點計與傳統融點計比較 ( PDF 850 KB)